Under the Litter Pollution Act of 1997, the county council of Fingal announced that over 1500 Cash for Car Ads had been removed throughout the county. These ads were hung and displayed in public and private ares without the proper permits from the county. The Environment Division and the Operations Department cooperated in the removal of these signs. The county was unable to find out who placed the signs and calls to the telephone number listed on the sign went to an untraceable and unregistered mobile phone. The county council is quite concerned about the proliferation of these types of ads in the county. Without the proper permits, it is most likely these ads are placed by unscrupulous individuals who may wind up scamming those people who attempt to use their services. The ads are also most likely an attempt to avoid paying proper fees on the sales of these cars. Citizens should not be contacting the numbers in these ads without checking with the county to make sure the ads have been placed by legitimate companies.
Read the full story: http://www.independent.ie/regionals/fingalindependent/news/1500-cash-for-cars-ads-removed-30937420.html
Read the full story: http://www.independent.ie/regionals/fingalindependent/news/1500-cash-for-cars-ads-removed-30937420.html